Substrate power supply
直流输出范围DC output range):5C5A,12V6A
输出电压精度 Accuracy of output voltage):±2%
纹波Ripple wave):100mVp-p
LED指示工作状态:Led indicates working status
输入电压范围 (Input voltage range): 100240VAC Frequency):47-63HZ  
空载损耗<0.5No-load loss & Lt; 0.5 W
温控冷却Temperature controlled Fan cooling
输入浪涌电流冷启动:230V时为40AInput surge current, cold start,40A at 230V
启动上升保持时间Start-up and hold time 230VAC满载时Full load500ms,30ms,30ms/115VAC满载时Full load500ms,30ms,12ms
漏电流Leakage current):<0.75mA / 240VAC
过载保护:过电流点在110%150%,自动检测,自动恢复(Overload protection, over-current point in 110% ~ 150% , automatic detection, automatic recovery
过电压保护 Turn off the output voltage)
绝缘特性Insulation characteristic  输入端与输出端间:3.75KVAC1分钟Input and output: 3.75KVAC2KVAC)
工作温度Operating temperature  -30+70℃
可用于海拔5000地区Can Be used at 5,000 elevation
电磁兼容标准EMC Standard  EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8,11,EN61000-6-2(EN50082-2)
不能将电源安装在潮湿环境和近水源处.Do not install the power supply in a humid environment or near the water source.
不能将电源暴露在高温环境和近火源处.Do not expose power source to high temperature and near fire source.
输出电压和输出电流不能超出规格书所规定的额定值范围.The output voltage and output current can not exceed the rating range specified in the specification.
接地线(FG)必须与大地连接The grounding FG must be connected to the earth

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